Everything You Need To Know About Yellow Peel : Product Used: Rejsol Yellow Peel with 20% Retinol

My Experience With Yellow Peel on Body-Skin Okay so here goes another blogpost on peeling. People who know me, are aware that I’m obsessed with skincare especially with chemical peels. To do these, as a personal choice , I usually don’t go to seek a dermatologist’s advice because I consider myself quite an expert in this field but for any of you reading this, I’d strongly suggest you to consider medical intervention because without that, there’s even greater chance of messing up. This article is NOT A SUBSTITUTE of expert consultation ; its just my personal logbook of experience with something I love experimenting with. Please do understand that me experimenting with chemical peels is a very personal choice (mostly because biotechnology & bioinformatics have been my subjects of two masters degrees I’ve pursued) & I DO NOT SUGGEST YOU TO EXPERIMENT WITH CHEMICAL PEELS ALL BY YOURSELF AT HOME WITHOUT SEEKING MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL’s HELP & thus I shall not be he...