25 Super Effective DIY Lip Scrubs to Make At Home + Xxxtra Lipcare Pro Tips

Lipcare : The Easy Way As promised in my last article/blogpost, we are going to discuss about lip care today & also, I’m going to include detailed recipes of 25 easy DIY lip scrubs you can make at home, easily & effortlessly & most of which do not require expensive things, just regular stuffs available in our kitchen. Since I’m from India, which is a tropical country, we do not get to lay our hands on things like strawberry, kiwi & all; I’ve used them in only a few of the recipes. I get them in our nearest supermarket however; anyone lacking them can easily substitute them with other fruits of their choice. None of the ingredients mentioned in the lip scrubs are absolute, rather you can substitute any provided that the scrub contains atleast one exfoliant (even mild ones will do) & one emollient that is considered the general rule. An exfoliant, by scrubbing off the top dead cell layer can cause mild inflammation which is usually cooled down by ...