Remove Scars NOW !!! (Your Ultimate Guide To Treat Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation / PIH)

How To Get Rid Of Scars Firstly I would really like to apologize for the delay in putting a new post this time. I was simply confused about the blog topic & it took me this long to finally decide. Today we’ll be discussing about post inflammatory hyperpigmentaton or PIH. Now don’t be afraid of the heavy-duty scientific term. Although sounds mouthful, but PIH simply refers to any ‘scar or hyperpigmentation’ due to some kind of ‘inflammation on skin’ which could be anything like acne, or minor injury (like scratching hard, cuts & burns) or sometimes it happens as a side effect of chemical peeling (peeled treated skin looks darker than the rest of the body). This is a major problem for people of colour. Mostly darker skin types are predisposed to developing this because simply they’re genetically predisposed to synthesizing more melanin in response to inflammation (just like tanning, where sun damage is perceived as an inflammation & melanin s...