Product Review: Kiko Milano Lasting Gel Eyeliner

Today I’m going to put a product review instead of those heavy-weight scientific skin related discussions. A few months back I bought this product called Kiko Milano Lasting Gel Eyeliner from . As it sounds, it is a gel eyeliner & I’m a serious fan of gel eyeliners due to its flexibility of application. Unlike pen liners, you can simply change your applicator brush & control the thickness of the lines you draw & gel liners tend to be longer lasting than pen liners. Before buying this, I was a user of Loreal Paris Gel Intenza & I must say, I was quite satisfied with it. But it expired & I had to buy a new black gel liner & then I found this. Its not long Kiko has been launched in India & I have to acknowledge I’m quite impressed with them. Currently I’m obsessing with anything from Kiko not because it’s #major right now but because of its awesome quality. So here goes my verdict. This Kiko Milano Gel Liner...